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Author name: Umakant Yadav

Umakant Yadav is a website devloper in codeapka you can contact him at mobile no. +919453619260. We have 5 years experience in php, codeigniter and wordpress.

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session fixation in php

What is session fixation and how can it be prevented in PHP?

Understanding Session Fixation and How to Prevent It in PHP In today’s digital age, where online security is paramount, it’s crucial to understand threats like session fixation and how to mitigate them. So, what exactly is session-fixation, and how can developers prevent it in PHP? What is Session Fixation? Session-fixation is a type of security

What is session fixation and how can it be prevented in PHP? Read More »

Cookies vs. Sessions in PHP

What is a cookie in PHP and how is it different from a session?

Understanding Cookies vs. Sessions in PHP: A Beginner’s Guide In the vast world of web development, terms like “cookies” and “sessions” are often thrown around. However, what precisely do they entail, and what sets them apart? In this article, we’ll take a dive into the realm of PHP programming to unravel the mysteries behind cookies

What is a cookie in PHP and how is it different from a session? Read More »

Get data by id

Get data by id in php

Get data by id To retrieve data by ID in PHP, you would typically use a database such as MySQL. Here’s a simple example of how you might achieve this: <?php // Establish connection to the database $servername = “localhost”; $username = “username”; $password = “password”; $database = “your_database”; // Create connection $conn = new

Get data by id in php Read More »

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